Saburo kato biography of martin


Characters from Space Battleship Yamato, including the original series (and sequels) and the live-action movie.

Space Battleship Yamato has its own Character page; please add any Canon Foreigners or tropes only applying to there.

Same goes for the Space Battleship Yamato character page.


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    Captain Juzo Okita 

Captain Juzo Okita (Captain Abraham Avatar)

Voiced in Japanese by:Gor&#; Naya (original), Takayuki Sugo ()

Voiced in English by: Marvin Miller (original; movie), Brian Mathis ()

Voiced in Star Blazers by: Gordon Ramsey (series)

Portrayed by: Tsutomu Yamazaki

Captain of Space Battleship Yamato.

Admiral of the combined fleet of UN Space Command, native of Fukushima Prefecture.

An expert in astrophysics, his outward calm and composure conceals a tough and unyielding fighting spirit. Also has an abundant knowledge of space, combining the two faces of disciplined soldier and experienced scientist. For this reason, he always wished to visit space not as a military man but as a man of science.

  • Back from the Dead: For Final Yamato
  • Crazy Enough to Work: His reaction to getting jumped on by two thousand ships led by Domel?

    Charge through the enemy fleet, ram Domel's flagship, shoot her at point blank to get her out of the way, and then continue on his course while the enemy ships are too shocked to try and stop him. The only reason it didn't work was that Domel had eight thousand other ships in reserve just in case this happened

  • Father to His Men: Very well loved, and literally the father of Mamoru in Leiji Matsumoto's manga version.
  • Father Neptune: Likely the trendsetting character in Japanese media.
  • Incurable Cough of Death: From the radiation caused by Gamillian bombing.
  • My Greatest Failure: Having to watch as Mamoru Kodai (Susumu's older brother) sacrificed himself so Okita could retreat at the start of the series.

    It's even worse in the remake, when Okita breaks radio silence to order Mamoru to disengage from battle.

  • Outliving One's Offspring: Implied to have lost his son in the battle against Gamilas in all versions. Worse, in the original version, it's said to have happened in the same battle that Mamoru Kodai died in, leaving him deeply scarred emotionally.
  • Secretly Dying: He is slowly dying of cancer during the entire story, but only him and Dr.

    Sakezo knows this to begin with, as this he does his damnest to keep it under wraps from the rest of the crew for morale purposes.

    Susumu Kodai 

Susumu Kodai (Derek Wildstar)

Voiced in Japanese by:Kei Tomiyama (original), K&#;ichi Yamadera (PS2 games and Yamato Rebirth), Daisuke Ono ()

Voiced in English by: Rex Knowles (original; movie, as Rex Knolls), Chris Wehkamp ()

Voiced in Star Blazers by:Kenneth Meseroll (Seasons 1 and 2), John Bellucci (Season 3)

Portrayed by: Takuya Kimura

Tactical Division Officer of Yamato.

Leader of Tactical Group, Air Captain First Class. Born in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Was a third-class air captain assigned to the 7th strategic space group before boarding Yamato, but was advanced two classes and placed in command of the tactical division after his older brother Mamoru was killed in action. The main and secondary gun batteries, anti-aircraft guns, torpedoes, fighter wing, and wave-motion gun are all under his command.

Deck officers are also placed under the tactical division. Graduated as an official cadet from space soldier training academy and was selected as a primary member of the Yamato Plan. (The forerunner of this was the Izumo Plan, a top secret mission to escape Earth.)

  • Character Development: He matures a lot over the course of the series.
  • Death by Origin Story: Actually his whole family, but Mamoru Kodai in particular connects him directly with Okita.
  • Friendly Sniper: If the job of firing the Wave-Motion Gun doesn't qualify
  • Hot-Blooded: Not that it hinders his senses.

    He isn’t as quick-tempered in the remake.

  • Number Two: Usually gets promoted to "Acting Captain" to make decisions on Okita's behalf as the Captain's condition worsens through the series.
  • Tragic Keepsake: He finds his brother's pistol in the wreck of his ship, crashed on Titan. In the reboot he He finds Mamoru's gun his brother's pistol in the hulk wreck of Yukikaze his ship, crashed on Enceladus.

    Yuki Mori 

Yuki Mori (Nova Forrester)

Voiced in Japanese by: Yoko Asagami, Noriko Yume (Yamato Rebirth), Houko Kuwashima ()

Voiced in English by: Mercy Goldman (original; movie), Mallorie Rodak ()

Voiced in Star Blazers by: Amy Howard (Seasons 1 and 2), Corinne Orr (Season 3)

Portrayed by:

Ship Affairs Division Officer of Yamato.

Leader of ship affairs in charge of information, electronics, communications, coding, hull demagnetization.

Air Captain First Class in charge of radar and radio communications on the first bridge. Was assigned to jurisdiction of the Far East 9th District Strategy Department before boarding Yamato. The planning division for the Yamato plan originated within 9th District Strategy Department.

  • Bridge Bunny: She is the officer with the task of the reading and interpretation of the radar's data.
  • Hospital Hottie: In the original series she was initially Dr.

    Sado's nurse.

  • Latex Space Suit: Her yellow jumpsuit. It is one of the earliest appearances in anime of this trope.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Yuki provides continuous Fanservice and is very fetching indeed in a yellow space suit that leaves so little to the imagination that it's hard to imagine it providing any protection against a stiff breeze, much less the vacuum of space.
  • Official Couple: With Kodai in every iteration.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Averted in the movie and .
  • Xenafication: Appears in the movie as the Black Tigers' squad leader.
    • Her whole character there is basically the reimagining of Starbuck.


Sakezo Sado 

Dr. Sakezo Sado (Dr. Sane)

Voiced in Japanese by:Ichir&#; Nagai (original), Shigeru Chiba ()

Voiced in English by:Kenny Green ()

Voiced in Star Blazers by: Frank Pita

Portrayed by: Reiko Takashima

Head of Yamato's medical division.

Ship's doctor. He is a civilian, but treated as equivalent to Commander (or 2nd-grade Space Colonel).

  • Saburo kato biography of martin henderson
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  • From Niigata Prefecture.

    One of the few who can speak frankly to Captain Okita. Although he is a heavy drinker and is never parted from a bottle, his medical and technical knowledge are first-class.

        Daisuke Shima 

    Daisuke Shima (Mark Venture)

    Voiced in Japanese by: Shusei Nakamura, Isao Sasaki (Final Yamato), Hideyuki Tanaka (PS2 games), Kenichi Suzumura ()

    Voiced in English by: Paul Shiveley (original; movie), Ricco Fajardo ()

    Voiced in Star Blazers by: Tom Tweedy (Seasons 1 and 2), Peter Fernandez (Season 3)

    Portrayed by: Naoto Ogata

    Navigational Division Officer of Yamato.

    Chief Navigator in charge of navigation, signaling, watch, and comprehensive route planning. Air captain first class, born in Okinawa Prefecture.

    Was a third-class air captain in the st regular space division before boarding Yamato, received a two-class promotion to chief navigator when the previous candidate was killed in action in a battle against Gamilas.

    • Bash Brothers: with Kodai.
    • Bromantic Foil: To Kodai in most cases but downplayed in
    • Hopeless Suitor: A rather tragic example in Yamato II (or the Comet Empire arc in Star Blazers): he falls in love with the Princess of Telezart, Trelaina, but she seemingly sacrifices herself to save the Yamato's crew from the Zordar in the second series' Grand Finale.

      The only grace he gets is his unconscious state during her death.

    • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Kodai's red in the original. In , however, Shima actually becomes the red oni as Kodai's character matures.
    • The Lancer: In charge of moving the ship around so that Kodai can make it shoot.

        Shiro Sanada 

    Shiro Sanada (Stephen Sandor)

    Voiced by:Takeshi Aono (original), H&#;ch&#; &#;tsuka ()

    Voiced in English by: Jerry Harland (original; movie), Phil Parsons ()

    Voiced in Star Blazers by: Rene Auberjonois (Season 3)

    Portrayed by: Toshiro Yanagiba

    Officer of Yamato's technology division.

    First mate and technical head. His rank is Lieutenant Commander. Born in Nagano Prefecture.

    Oversees scientific analysis, information analysis, development, and engineering. Other than the technology leader, he also holds the post of first mate to Captain Okita. As a genius who graduated at the top of MIT, his thinking is very logical and his analytical skills are unrivaled at assessing a situation.

    He advanced to the National Space Defense Academy after graduating from MIT, volunteered for UN Space Command and was assigned to the 9th Strategic Division. He is at the center of the Yamato Plan.

    • Artificial Limbs
      • Not in the version. Well, at least not yet.
    • Big Brother Mentor
    • Deadpan Snarker
    • Died Standing Up: Only in the movie.
    • Expy of Mr.

      Spock and here's why:

      • The Smart Guy: His role as science officer along with application of his knowledge in crisis emphasizes his major trait.
      • Number Two: He gets to be a Yamato's XO in
    • Flanderization: Completely averted with respect to Sanada's artificial limbs. It comes up in one episode and is never referred to again.

      Also (particularly in the original), although Sanada is highly intelligent and a brilliant inventor, he is not depicted as a Gadgeteer Genius. A large number of his ideas are actually clever uses of existing technology or based on salvaged Iscandarian, Gamilas or Comet Empire technology. He also leaves anything relating to the biological sciences to Dr.


    • Gentleman and a Scholar: A rare example of one who is more into the sciences than liberal arts and humanities.

        Analyzer UO- 9 

    Analyzer UO-9 (IQ-9)

    Voiced by:Kenichi Ogata (original), Cho ()

    Voiced in English by:Sonny Strait ()

    Official name: R-9 Autonomous Type Shipborne Analysis Unit.

    An improvement over the conventional AU, boards Yamato as "crew in charge of analysis" to act as a subframe robot in support of the mainframe.

    A quantum computer with autonomous thinking and behavior that allows him to act as a general-purpose class system node analysis terminal. Equipped with an AI system installed with BIOS judgement rather than a simulated personality.

    Hates to be referred to by number, refers to self as "Analyzer."

    • Adaptational Badass: Analyzer loses the sex drive and becomes a Humongous Mecha in the movie. Though he's been shown to be a Pintsized Powerhouse on occasion in the original anime.
      • This extends to , where he is given a cargo-loader style exosuit, which becomes handy during the landing at Beemla when they had to fight off the feral Big Creepy-Crawlies infesting the planet.
    • Lovable Sex Maniac: In the original series, has a perverse sense of humor and the hots for Yuki/Nova.
    • Robot Buddy: Particularly in the movie where he's retconned to Kodai's personal "Mother Box".
    • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: usually played for laughs due him asking Sado for how to become more human (once resulting in him going in mission DRUNK), but there's a very sad episode showing the contrast between his robotic body and his very human feelings for Yuki.
      • Also heavily discussed in episode 9 of the remake.
    • You Shall Not Pass!: Done by him during the Battle of Iscandar on the movie.

        Mamoru Kodai 

    Mamoru Kodai (Alex Wildstar)

    Voiced by: Taichiro Hirokawa (original), Mitsuru Miyamoto ()

    Voiced in English by: Zach Bolton ()

    Portrayed by: Shinichi Tsutsumi

    Captain of Space Destroyer Yukikaze.

    Rank: Space Lieutenant Commander, 3rd class.

    Saburo kato biography of martin lawrence Not all the American voice artists are known for the first two seasons owing to their non-union status they were not credited in the shows' closing titles , and a different group of actors provided voices in the third season. The second time, he famously pulls a Heel—Face Turn and lets the crew go out of respect and even gives them a hint on how to beat the bigger villain of the series. An expert in astrophysics, his outward calm and composure conceals a tough and unyielding fighting spirit. Tactical Division Officer of Yamato.

    From Kanagawa Prefecture.

    Officer in the UN Cosmo Navy. Susumu Kodai's older brother. When he graduated from the Space Soldier Academy, the war situation was worsening and talented people were being lost one after another. He was made the young captain of a destroyer. He lost his parents in a planet bomb attack, and his only remaining blood relative is his younger brother.

        Saburo Kato 

    Saburo Kato

    Voiced by: Akira Kamiya (Japanese, Original), Yoshimasa Hosoya (Japanese ), Mike McFarland (English)

    Leader of the Black Tiger fighter squadron.

    • Ace Pilot: Shown to be a skilled pilot in both the original and versions.
    • Bad Ass Preacher: His 's character is a child of a priest, possibly of Shinto faith as they are allowed to marry and pass their duties to next-of-kin with Kato's father wishes for Kato to run the shrine after his death.

      He can be seen chanting mantras, even for his fallen comrades during the funeral.

    • Death Seeker: Becomes this towards the end of Yamato due to guilt over having betrayed the ship for a cure for his son's illness. He gets over it - moments before getting shot down.
    • A Father to His Men: His version showed him having a general concern towards his men in Black Tiger squadron to the point of telling Kodai that he won't forgive him if his men were killed needlessly.
    • Happily Married: By Yamato , he is married to Makoto Harada with a son.
    • Killed Off for Real: He was killed off in the second season of original Yamato.
      • Backup Twin: Though the creators regretted it and have to bring him back via this.
    • My Greatest Failure: Implied to not have gone over the death of his friend, Akio, which influenced his overprotective nature towards Akira in adaptation.
    • Punch a Wall: Generally prone to do this to the point in that his bruised knuckles are bandaged often.
    • Stay in the Kitchen: His attitude towards Akira in first five episodes of Space Battle Ship Yamato , which he try to relegate her to logistic positions despite her capability as a pilot.

      Though this has more to do with his overprotective nature since Akira's brother&#;Akio&#;died under his command.

        Leader Abelt Dessler 

    Leader Abelt Dessler (Desslok)

    Voiced in Japanese by: Masato Ibu (original), K&#;ichi Yamadera ()

    Voiced in English by: Paul Shiveley (original; movie, erroneously credited to Larry Barrel), Chris Rager ()

    Voiced in Star Blazers by: Eddie Allen (Seasons 1 and 2)

    The Great Emperor of Planet Gamilas.

    He is the equivalent of 32 Earth years of age.

    Leader of the Imperial Planet Gamilas' interstellar military nation, which expands his galactic territory. Although he is a young and arrogant dictator, he has awoken to the needs of his people. As head of state, he is the supreme commander of the Gamilas military and directs strategic operations at his whim, enjoying it as a game.

    • Affably Evil: He has his moments where he seems to be just a charming, polite, and cultured character.
    • Big Bad: Of season one in both versions.

      He gets Demoted to Dragon in season 2 though.

    • Bling-Bling-BANG!: His pistols are typically gold in color.
    • The Chessmaster: Literally invoked in , as he seems to enjoy playing chess with Starsha.
    • Cool Starship: Always manages to get one in all of his appearances, and all of them have a Wave-Motion Gun, just like the Yamato.
    • Death by Adaptation: Unlike in the original series, Dessler is apparently killed off in .

      Saburo kato biography of martin On November 3, , FUNimation announced that they had acquired streaming rights to the series and would stream the English dub on November 8. There are also many who do not admire him. Leader of the Imperial Planet Gamilas' interstellar military nation, which expands his galactic territory. Release [ edit ].

      Emphasis on apparently, because a freeze-frame shot of his ship before it blows up might tell you an entirely different story

    • The Dragon: To Zordar and the Comet Empire in series 2. He doesn't mind this for the most part and is primarily driven for revenge against the Yamato.
    • The Dreaded: Becomes one in the second season.

      His message congratulating the Yamato for annihilating the Comet Empire fleet detached with him caused the crew a massive Oh, Crap! moment.

    • Duel to the Death: Does it with Kodai and Yamato, twice over the original series.

    • Clear
    • Clear
    • Characters in Space Battleship Yamato - TV Tropes
    • Saburo Kato, Bonsai Master for the Ages | Bonsai Bark
    • It ends badly for him the first time when Sanada pulls a last-second save by activating a secret weapon to reflect his Wave-Motion Gun. The second time, he famously pulls a Heel–Face Turn and lets the crew go out of respect and even gives them a hint on how to beat the bigger villain of the series.

    • Emperor Scientist: In the original series, he's smart enough to use Gamilas' own acid rain weather against the ship.

      Not to mention the matter-destroying ecto gas in season one and the energy-sapping space starflies/bacteria in season 2.

    • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He actually has an extended family, through his older brother's marriage. It's revealed in
    • Faking the Dead: In his ship is sabotaged and blown up in a coup early on, we see him on board And it's later revealed it was a Body Double, with Dessler having got wind of the coup and wishing to see who was behind it so he could crush the traitors.
    • Fountain of Expies: The prototype of most Anime alien leaders and enemy aces, Dessler is created from the images of Roman nobles.
    • A Glass of Chianti: Seen most of the time drinking a glass of space wine, even when in battle.
    • Heel–Face Turn: Pulls this one off at the very end of the second series and becomes a valued ally of the Yamato's crew afterwards.
    • Made of Iron: In between the first season and the second one, he survives in deep space, alone, WITHOUT A SPACE SUIT on until he gets rescued.
    • My God, What Have I Done?: Has a minor freakout when he realizes he just shot one of his most loyal officers after she unintentionally omits her psychic abilitys on him upon seeing him alive, catching him off guard.
    • Putting on the Reich: He's modeled after Adolf Hitler, especially in .

      Though Dessler is ultimately more noble than Hitler, which leads to a Heel–Face Turn and alliance with Earth, something that could never happen with Hitler.

    • Really Years Old: In , the man himself looks about Keep in mind he's been in control of the Gamilas Empire for years.
    • The Rival: With Kodai.

      It's even the name of one of his theme songs.

    • Single-Target Sexuality: Despite being surround by all a all female Honor Guard. Queen Starsha is the woman he shows any romantic affection for.
    • Took a Level in Badass: Slightly, in Season 3 of the original series.

      Saburo kato biography of martin henderson: Yamato: The New Voyage [ edit ]. Yamato Great Yamato No. Star Blazers At that nursery could be gotten orchids, evergreens and foliage plants.

      By that time, after liberating Planet Galman from the Bolar Federation, he gets declared an Emperor and manages to control a sizeable chunk of territory in the galaxy.

    • The Unfavorite: In it is revealed that Dessler feels that he's forever in his much more talented brother Mattheus' shadow. And this is decades after the latter's death, and he himself had become a very successful Galactic Conqueror.
    • Villainous Breakdown: When the Yamato is led into a trap on Gamilas itself, only to escape again.

      He only spirals deeper and deeper into his megalomania from there.

    • Wave-Motion Gun: He has his own version, called the Dessler Cannon. Surprisingly enough, it seems to be cursed to keep missing or not do its job for various reason until Season 3 of the original series.
    • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The good and needs of his people are what he cares of the most (at least until his Villainous Breakdown).

      To this goal, he's willing to commit genocide on Earth.

      • In his goal is to establish eternal peace in the galaxy, and to reach this goal he conquered the two Magellanic Clouds and is expanding in the Milky Way (the current war in the Small Magellanic Cloud isn't part of this as Gamilas is the defending side).
      • In , it is further revealed that his family knows that the actual planet Gamillas is dying &#; it has, at most, a century left before it becomes uninhabitable.

        This is the primary driving force for him making Gamillas into galactic-conquering empire, because he's desperately looking for a world to move his people to before its too late.

    • Worthy Opponent: To Kodai and vice-versa. Best displayed in Series 2.

        General Erwk Domel 

    General Erwk Domel (Lysis)

    Voiced by: Osamu Kobayashi (Season 1), Akio &#;tsuka ()

    Voiced in English by:Dabney Coleman (original; movie, as Dudley Coleman), J.

    Michael Tatum ()

    Military defense commander of the Great Gamilas Empire, Small Magellanic Cloud. Rank is Lieutenant General. The equivalent of 38 Earth years of age.

    A famous general of Gamilas admired by enemy and ally alike as "The Wolf of Space." He is dispatched from the Small Magellanic Cloud as a measure against the barbarians which repeatedly invade the imperial domain.

    While commanding the forces of the Small Magellanic Cloud, he takes up the defense of the front lines.

    His 6th Space Armored Division is called the "Domel Army Corps," whose mobility gives them a striking power like a blast of wind. Their unity is said to be the best in all of Gamilas. Rather than striking directly at an enemy, they divide them and force a surrender, making full use of driving tactics.

    Domel is adored by his subordinates and has a noble-minded personality.

    He holds ability in high regard and does not discriminate against those he conquers. He has the chivalrous soul of a knight and honors an opponent who does their best. Domel's main duty is that of a military officer, and though he keeps his distance from politics, he is a close associate of Dessler and enjoys national popularity.

    There are also many who do not admire him.

    • Captain Ersatz: Of Rommel, he's known as a tactical genius and nicknamed "Wolf of the Galaxy". Like Rommel, Domel was also known as a man of good character, especially when compared to the usual Nazi commanders.
    • Crazy Enough to Work: Especially in the original series, where his reaction to the Yamato reaching his headquarter is to throw an artificial sun at them.
    • The Dragon to Dessler
    • Establishing Character Moment: In the first thing we see of him (after hearing him being mentioned as a great general by some of his former subordinates) is his fleet inflicting a Curb-Stomp Battle on the White Comet Empire.
    • A Father to His Men: His Counterpart showed him as a decorated commander with great respect from both the soldiers and citizens.

      His own subordinate decided to stay with him in his suicide bombing mission on Yamato while mockingly accept court-martial charges instead of obeying his order to evacuate.

    • Four-Star Badass: His credentials for his assignment to destroy Yamato.
    • General Ripper: In the original series, as the stunt with the artificial sun would have destroyed his own headquarter even if the Yamato escaped (as it happened).

      Goer was quick to call him out for this, as Deslar did once warned-forcing him to try and put back the sun, slowing it enough the Earther ship managed to fire the Wave Motion Gun and pass through it while making it fall on the base anyway.

    • Graceful Loser: When he is bested by the Yamato, he opens a communications channel with Captain Okita to congratulate him for his masterful command before attempting to sink him with a final self-destruct attack.
    • Hero of Another Story: a curious villain example.

      When he first appears, he just returned from the front against another unidentified enemy (revealed to be the Comet empire in ), and apparently defeated it so completely he's being hailed as a hero by the Gamilas people and Deslar himself.

      Saburo kato biography of martin johnson Leader Abelt Dessler. In from October 21 to 23, the European Bonsai Association held its annual Congress on the southeast coast of Spain. Bad Ass Preacher : His 's character is a child of a priest, possibly of Shinto faith as they are allowed to marry and pass their duties to next-of-kin with Kato's father wishes for Kato to run the shrine after his death. My Greatest Failure : Implied to not have gone over the death of his friend, Akio, which influenced his overprotective nature towards Akira in adaptation.

      From the Gamilas point of view, HE is the hero.

    • Hot Blooded Sideburns
    • Lantern Jaw of EEEVIL: Only in the original.
    • Spared by the Adaptation: In Star Blazers, instead of suicide bombing his flagship, he places a bomb under the Yamato and explains that it will go off after he leaves. The animation depicts this by showing the flagship attachment to the underside in reverse.

      Lysis (Domel) and Volgar are seen after the big explosion lamenting that the bomb failed to destroy the Argo and he has to return to Gamilon in defeat.

    • Taking You with Me
      • Senseless Sacrifice: He tries it to give a sense to the sacrifice of his men, died in the attempt to destroy the Yamato But the Yamato survives again.

        Queen Starsha 

    Queen Starsha

    Voiced in Japanese by: Michiko Hirai (Season 1), Miyuki Ueda (New Voyage and Be Forever), Kikuko Inoue ()

    Voiced in English by:Monica Rial ()

    Voiced in Star Blazers by: Lydia Leeds

    Queen of Planet Iscandar.

    Holds out a helping hand to Earth, which has been driven to the verge of extinction by Gamilas. Entrusted her younger sister Ulyssia with a message to deliver to Earth one year ago; the plan for the Wave-Motion Engine. Her sister Sasha delivered the next message.

    • Babies Ever After: Is implied to have sired a child named Sasha with Mamoru.
      • While Sasha doesn't appear in , it's hinted that Starsha may be pregnant with her.
    • Florence Nightingale Effect: Implied with Kodai Mamoru, if Sasha is his daughter.
    • I Choose to Stay: Although offered the opportunity to go to Earth aboard the Yamato on her return journey and start a new life, Starsha refuses to leave her home planet, feeling bound to it as its last inhabitant.
    • Identical Stranger: Resembling her own sister is reasonable, but Yuki?

      In the manga version of , it is retconned that Yuki is cloned from her.

    • Last of Her Kind: Almost all of her planet's population was killed by a plague.

      Saburo kato biography of martin luther Artificial Limbs Not in the version. In from October 21 to 23, the European Bonsai Association held its annual Congress on the southeast coast of Spain. Somewhat averted in since her sis Yurisha is alive as well. Now, he was especially fond of shimpaku Juniperus chinensis , goyo-matsu Pinus parviflora , five-needle pine , tosho Juniperus rigida , needle juniper , and ezo-matsu Picea glehni Mast.

      Then her sister is shot down trying to get a message to Earth.

      • Somewhat averted in since her sis Yurisha is alive as well.
    • Someone to Remember Him By: Implied to have sired a child with Mamoru before his death in series.


    Another expansionist humanoid empire, this time hailing from the Andromeda galaxy, the Comet Empire is the main antagonist for Farewell Yamato, Yamato 2, and .

    While in the original series the Comet Empire was very much a "might makes right" space empire, their origins receive a significant re-write for .

    Regardless of where they came from, their motives put them squarely against the Yamato and the Cosmo Navy in general.

    Tropes associated to their original incarnation:

    • Death Is Cheap: A weird case, but apparently Gatlantis' technology is advanced enough that it can bring back someone from death (the example in this case being Dessler) Except this is never repeated for anyone else.
    • Galactic Conqueror: Subjugated several other races since they started in the Andromeda galaxy.
    • Humanoid Aliens: In this case, their skins are a greyish-green to the Gamillan's blue.
    • Might Makes Right: As Zorder argues to Teresa, he thinks that the Comet Empire deserves to rule over everyone simply because they're much stronger than any of the other races out there.

        Emperor Zorder 

    Emperor Zowrdar (Prince Zordar)

    Voiced by: Osamu Kobayashi (Japanese), Greg Dulcie (English, )

    • Big Bad: Of Season 2 and the remake of that season.
    • Card-Carrying Villain: Although he was cruel about it, Desslok actually had reasons for his actions in the first season, finding a new home for his people.

      Zordar is just a sadistic conqueror and thoroughly enjoys it. This isn’t really the case in the remake of the second season, however, as there he’s more of a Tragic Villain.

        Lady Sabera 

    Lady Sabera (Princess Invidia)

    Voiced in Japanese by:Noriko Ohara (original), Kazue Komiya (Arrivederci, Yamato), Yuko Kaida ( Ark of the Stars and )

    Voiced in English by: Melanie McQueen (Farewell Yamato), Colleen Clinkenbeard ()

    Voiced in Star Blazers by: Morgan Lofting

    • Green-Skinned Space Babe: Even more so in Ark of the Stars and .
    • Hot Consort: To Emperor Zordar.
    • Woolseyism: Arguably in Star Blazers, Sabera (called Invidia) is made Zordar's daughter instead of his consort.

      Zordar looked old enough to be her father. However, in Star Blazers, she was still clearly fooling around with General Dire who looked Zordar's age.
